Project description

The MOCoPo experiment enabled us to save more than 9 hours of film taken from a helicopter at three locations of a freeway with 2 lanes in both directions. After numerical treatment (code developped in collaboration with TU Delft), it results in trajectory data.

The objective of the “project 365” is to clean those data with the help of an international team. As a matter of fact, the numerical treatment associating vehicles from successive images sometimes fails to associate the correct vehicle and bias the data.

We are currently improving the input of the numerical treatment. We will keep you updated as soon as the manual work can begin.

Join the team and register now !

What will be your benefit?

  • A set of more than 1,500 trajectories collected on stretch of 500 meters of a representative freeway.

  • Car-following and lane changing (mandatory and discretionary) data of un-preceded quality.

  • This will allow you to :

    • Analyze precisely various traffic conditions.

    • Test and calibrate microscopic models CF, MLC, DLC.

    • Quantify extreme behaviors.

  • Having contributed to their enhancement give you a clear view of their drawbacks and qualities.

  • You gain exclusive access for 365 days to the period you contributed to clean